It must be noted that the use of cookies on users' terminal equipment has significant implications concerning data protection. By utilizing cookies, entities gather data related to users that can subsequently be utilized. Therefore, it is determined that there is a necessity to inform the user about the use of cookies so that they are aware of the data processing involved.

HOME SELECT PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SL must conduct a thorough analysis of the Cookies that may be installed on users' computer devices through its website. Given their purpose, HOME SELECT PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SL must comply with Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), data protection regulations, and the recommendations provided by the Spanish Data Protection Agency in its Guide on the use of Cookies.

It is important to specify that cookies used for the following purposes are exempt from this policy:

It should be noted that HOME SELECT PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SL may use data storage and retrieval devices on recipients' terminal equipment, provided that they have given their consent after being provided with clear and comprehensive information about their use.

Information regarding cookies must be presented according to the following requirements:

The use of privacy notices in layers is recommended, meaning that information should be presented in tiers, allowing the user to access the aspects of the notice that interest them the most. This helps prevent information fatigue. However, the entire information should still be available in a single place or a comprehensive document that can be easily accessed if the user desires to review it in its entirety.

HOME SELECT PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SL will periodically review potential changes that might occur in the management and use of cookies to update the information displayed to users regarding cookies.

Pre-Information on Cookies Policy

The information about cookies provided when seeking consent must be sufficiently comprehensive to enable users to understand their purposes and how they will be used.

The pre-information should include the following:

This information should be provided before using cookies in a format that is visible to the user and should be maintained until the user gives consent or rejects it.

It will be necessary for the information in the first layer to be supplemented with a configuration system or panel in which the user can choose to accept or reject cookies on a granular level.

In this regard, the following information is provided that HOME SELECT PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SL must select and insert on its website, depending on the cookies it employs, using a header bar or a pop-up window:


Use of own technical cookies

This website uses its own Cookies to collect information for technical purposes; personal data is not collected or shared without your consent.

Additionally, please note that this website contains links to third-party websites with privacy policies independent of HOME SELECT PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SL.


Use of own and third-party technical cookies

This website uses its own and third-party Cookies for technical purposes; personal data is not collected or shared without your consent.

Additionally, please note that this website contains links to third-party websites with privacy policies independent of HOME SELECT PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SL.

Use of own and behavioral advertising cookies

This website uses its own Cookies to collect information to enhance our services and display advertising based on user preferences inferred from browsing habits. You can find more information and configure your preferences HERE.

Use of own, third-party, and behavioral advertising cookies

This website uses its own and third-party Cookies to collect information to enhance our services, display advertising based on user preferences, and analyze browsing habits. You can find more information and configure your preferences HERE.

Use of own, third-party, advertising, and analysis cookies

This website uses its own and third-party Cookies to collect information to enhance our services, display advertising based on user preferences, and analyze browsing habits. You can find more information and configure your preferences HERE.

Use of own technical and analysis cookies

This website uses its own Cookies to collect information to enhance our services and analyze browsing habits. You can configure your preferences HERE.

Use of own, third-party, technical, and analysis cookies

This website uses its own and third-party Cookies to collect information to enhance our services and analyze browsing habits. You can configure your preferences HERE.


When "Custom Configuration" or "HERE" is clicked, a link should direct the user to a configuration panel where they can choose to accept or reject cookies on a granular level:

HOME SELECT PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SL informs users that they can configure their preferences regarding cookie installation:

Use of own behavioral advertising cookies or use of own and third-party behavioral advertising cookies

You can enable or disable cookies based on their purposes:

Use of own analysis cookies or use of own and third-party analysis cookies

You can enable or disable cookies based on their purposes:

Use of own, third-party analysis, and behavioral advertising cookies

You can enable or disable cookies based on their purposes:


HOME SELECT PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SL shall provide users with clear and comprehensive information regarding the use of cookies, specifically outlining the purposes of data processing.

The cookie policy must provide users with the following information:

Below, HOME SELECT PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SL establishes the cookie policy, which must be accessible to users of the website:


In accordance with Article 22.2 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), currently in force, HOME SELECT PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SL must fulfill the obligation to inform about the cookies it uses and their purposes.

This website uses cookies and/or similar technologies that store and retrieve information when you browse. Cookies allow a website, among other things, to store and retrieve information about a User's or their device's browsing habits and, depending on the information it contains and how the device is used, they can be used to recognize the User.

Cookies are essential for the functioning of the internet, providing numerous advantages in the provision of interactive services, facilitating User navigation, and enhancing the usability of our website.

The User can customize their settings HERE.

The information provided below will help you understand the different types of cookies:

BASED ON THE ENTITY THAT MANAGES THEM FIRST-PARTY COOKIES These are cookies that are sent to the user's terminal equipment from a device or domain managed by the website operator itself and from which the requested service is provided to the user.
THIRD-PARTY COOKIES These are cookies that are sent to the user's terminal equipment from a device or domain that is not managed by the website operator but by another entity that processes data obtained through cookies.
BASED ON THE TIME FRAME THEY REMAIN ACTIVE SESSION COOKIES These cookies are designed to collect and store data while the user accesses a website. They are often used to store information that is only relevant to provide the service requested by the user on a single occasion (e.g., a list of purchased products) and they disappear at the end of the session.
PERSISTENT COOKIES These are cookies in which the data remains stored on the device and can be accessed and processed during a period defined by the cookie's controller, which can range from a few minutes to several years.
BASED ON THEIR PURPOSE TECHNICAL COOKIES These are cookies that allow users to navigate through a website, platform, or application and use the different options or services available on it.
PERSONALIZATION COOKIES These cookies enable the application of specific features for the user's navigation on the website (e.g., language).
ANALYTICS COOKIES These are cookies that allow the controller to track and analyze the behavior of users on the linked websites, including quantifying the impact of advertisements. The information collected through this type of cookies is used to measure the activity of websites, applications, or platforms, in order to make improvements based on the analysis of user usage data.
ADVERTISING COOKIES These cookies allow the website operator to include advertising spaces on the webpage based on the content of the website itself.
BEHAVIORAL ADVERTISING COOKIES These are cookies that store information about users' behavior obtained through continuous observation of their browsing habits, enabling the creation of a specific profile for displaying advertisements based on this behavior.

Additionally, HOME SELECT PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SL provides more detailed information about the cookies used by its owners, their specific use or purpose, retention periods, as well as the possible International Data Transfers for each of them used on our website.

You can find information about international transfers to third countries, if any, carried out by the THIRD PARTIES identified in this cookie policy, in their respective policies (click on the cookie title).

HOME SELECT PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SL provides more comprehensive information regarding international transfers resulting from the use of first-party cookies:

Please note that if you accept third-party cookies, you will need to delete them from your browser options or from the system provided by the third party itself.

Below, we provide you with links to various browsers through which you can modify your browser settings regarding the use of cookies:

For more information on the treatment of personal data, we recommend visiting our “Privacy Policy“ section.

Last updated: August 1, 2023

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